Sunday 19 May 2013

The End Of An Era ♥

Last Thursday, Ellie and myself finished year 11! We are currently on our study leave, which we have a love-hate relationship with! Hehe :)
Leaving school was (and still is) so exciting, and although everyone got upset, (I didn't cry!) the day itself, was beautiful. We had a breakfast all together, however I was too busy taking pictures and getting people to sign my shirt to eat! There was also a Mass for the entire year, and then an extremely hilarious, and emotional, leavers assembly.
We go back to the school for our exams, but then we leave. It felt so strange walking home with Ellie on Friday after our RE exam; the rest of the school hadn't even got to their morning break and we were almost home.
To top the leaving event off, a lovely friend of mine and Ellie's had a party on Friday night. It was so much fun, and lovely to just have a good night with everyone :)
High school has been such a fun experience for myself and Ellie; we have made so many unforgettable memories, and ridiculously amazing friends. Here are some (lots!) of pictures from our journey through out secondary school:

Change is either a good or a bad thing, sometimes both. Currently, I am indecisive of whether I'm fond of the change of leaving a school which I have attended for the past 5 years, one which my 3 older brothers and sisters attended, and one which my younger brother still goes to. However, right now, in this moment, even though I already miss too many people like crazy - knowing that I won't be seeing them every school day is enough to make me miss them - I'm pretty excited to see what the next few months have to hold for me :)
- Dom

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